New Delhi : Shiv Sena’s Chandrakant Khaire Monday said in the Lok Sabha that the grand Ram Temple at Ayodhya should be built as the BJP-led government has a majority in parliament.
Raising the issue as a matter of urgent public importance, Khaire said the oldest litigant in the Ayodhya title suit, Hashim Ansari, had also said that a temple should be built at Ayodhya.
Khaire said the issue was linked to the faith of Hindus.
“We have also performed kar seva. A Ram temple should be built,” he said amid interruptions from opposition members.
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said the issue was in court.
However, Khaire continued to speak and said the ruling National Democratic Alliance alliance had over 330 members in the Lok Sabha, which constituted a parliamentary majority.
He said the temple should be built while Narendra Modi remains the prime minister. “We have a full majority.”
As Kharie took his seat, slogans of ‘Jai Shri Ram” were raised in the house.