Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Iran

NEW DELHI, Jan. 24 APP: After launching an Israel spy satellite a few days ago, Israel and India are planning to launch two more spy satellites with India hoped to benefit from it with information on Pakistan.

The Indian daily “The Asian Age” reported that one of the two satellites is expected to be put in orbit within current year.

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Israeli officials have informed their media that with the launching of most sophisticated satellite, Israel will be able to get images during the night and through inclement weather conditions.

The daily quoting sources here said “Israel wanted the satellite launched from India because of a certain position required to monitor the countries that it has targeted.”

The term used by Israeli officials to describe Iran and other countries against whom the satellites will be used was “enemy”. The primary target of the satellite will be Iran despite the close relations between New Delhi and Tehran.

The launch of the last spy satellite 300-kg TecSar (Polaris) has generated considerable enthusiasm in both India and Israel. The satellite is expected to start sending the images in early February, the daily said.

The deal with Israel to launch spy satellite took final shape during the visit of Israeli defence ministry director-general Amos Yaron to New Delhi three years ago during the beginning of tenure of present Congress-led government.

According to the newspaper, with the launch of the first satellite, the Indian government was oblivious to the adverse reaction to the launch from its traditional friends in West Asia. The first launch was kept secret and even a couple of mainstream Israeli newspapers knew it just a week before the launch.

The Israeli media has pointed out that the satellite was aimed at spying on Iran and Syria. However, the Indian government tried to give this cooperation a “commercial” colour by saying that India is renting out its launching pad for such satellites, the daily added.