Solidarity with Kashmir: Photo essay

TCN News

Kashmiris and others who have faith in democratic processes have been shocked when the Government of India with BJP at the helm revoked the special status of Kashmir on 5th August by introducing the bill in the parliament after having ensured that the political leaders are all under house arrest and the people cooped in their houses with restrictions imposed on them.

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Right from the day, the bill was passed in the parliament there have been protests from the lok Sabha to the streets of many states in India.

People of Kashmir living outside India have all expressed shock a this sudden move. The international community has also taken notice of the unilateral decision of the central government and have expressed shock and concern at the way the people in Kashmir are suffering due to communication black out, shops closed, people forced to venture out only if they have curfew passes.

Here are some photos of people from different parts of the world  protesting against  the revocation of Article 370 for International week of solidarity with Kashmir 9- 17 August.

#StandWithKashmir is a community on Facebook and is committed to standing in solidarity with the people of Kashmir in ending the occupation & supporting their right to self-determination. After announcing the “International Solidarity with Kashmir”, people from different parts joined the campaign.

( All images from Face Book page of #standwithKashmir )

Jewish voice for peace, NY, 10th August
Protest in India on 16th August
In Delhi
New York, 10th August
New York
Protests in Malaysia 17th August
Protest in Houston on 12th August
Protestors in Houston
Washington, DC, 11th August
Washington, DC
Protest in London, 16th August
Toronto, 11th August

Vancouver, 17th august
Chicago, 14th August


Protest in Berlin, 17th August
Protest in NYC with Syrians
Protest in Philadelphia on 17th August
Protestors at Copley Square, Boston on 17th August