Row over sex education in Maharashtra assembly


Mumbai : In an unprecedented action, Speaker Babasaheb Kupekar Wednesday withheld in the state legislative assembly an announcement School Education Minister Vasant Purke ade about introduction of sex education in schools from the next academic session.

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Responding to strong exception the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Shiv Sena members took to Purke’s announcement in the legislative council Tuesday that sex education would be introduced in classes 9 and 11 curriculum from the coming academic session, the Speaker held back the announcement.

Spearheading the opposition attack on the education minister’s announcement, BJP member Shobhatai Fadnavis argued that it amounted to contempt of the house as members had opposed the move in the last session, leading to a house decision to put it on hold.

Kupekar suggested a committee of legislators and experts be set up to examine all aspects of the issue, and that it should submit its report within two months. On the basis of the commitee report, the government should take a decision.

Purke’s contention was that sex education would help check the spread of the dreaded HIV infection and protect, particularly, the girls at tender age from the scourge of AIDS.

Purke’s other proposal pertained to introduction of ‘right to education’ in the state, by making it mandatory for parents to send children to schools and punishing those who fail to do it.