Thai PM appeals to southern insurgents to surrender

By Xinhua,

Bangkok : Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Saturday called on insurgents in the violence-stricken deep south to put down their arms and help contribute to the country’s peace.

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Samak, accompanied by top military brass, including Army chief General Anupong Paochinda and police chief, Pol General Patcharawat Wongsuwan, visited Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani, the country’s three southernmost provinces, on Saturday.

The three provinces, with a majority Malay-speaking Muslim population, have seen unabated insurgent violence since early 2004, during which over 3,000 people were killed. Authorities have blamed southern Muslim separatists for the violence.

Samak made the appeal in Yala, saying “I want to tell all those people who have been mislead into taking up arms and creating disturbances to stop because all sides want peace. And if the misled people want to surrender they can do so by reporting to the authority,” according to the website of The Nation news group.

Samak’s visit to the deep south was the first since he took office in early February. His trip was aimed “to seek insight on the region’s problems, meet Muslim leaders and to give moral support to government officials,” according to state media Thai News Agency.

The premier, who is known for his interest in cooking and once hosting a TV cooking show, said he would himself cook the dinner for soldiers and local officials to boost their morale.

Also on Saturday, Samak and the military leaders visited the Sirindhorn Military Camp in Yala province to meet with local Muslim leaders and government officials.