Germany considers Bulgaria promising ally in EU


Sofia : Germany considers Bulgaria a strategic ally in the European Union (EU), the German interior minister said on Tuesday.

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Shoible Volfgang said at a joint press conference that was held by the end of his visit to Bulgaria, during which he held discussions with Bulgarian Minister of Interior Mihail Mikov, that Germany and Bulgaria are cooperating in the field of security, in a way that fulfills the common interests of the two countries.

The EU is trying to closely address security problems for each country in the union through the integrated system of reports, supervision and follow-up, Wolfgang said.

He added that after endorsement of the Lisbon convention, the countries of the union will adopt a common policy, especially in the security field which is considered as a shared responsibility among all members.

Mikov said the supervision and follow-up system is very beneficial for Bulgaria, where it evaluates the current standards in the security field, sets the required procedures, expressing thanks to Germany in supporting his country in its admission to EU.

He pointed out that he discussed with Volfgang a number of important issues, the common interests of the two countires, especially in the security field, exchange of information, illegal immigration, fighting drugs, organized crimes and international terrorism.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev received Volfgang, and the two talked over the admission of Bulgaria in the Schengen Area, saying that this case is the biggest challenge for Bulgaria after gaining membership of the EU, where Volfgang offered all the possible specialized support to Bulgaria in the process of its admission to the Schengen Area.