Bush Middle-East Tour Fails, US Daily

By Prensa Latina,

Washington : US President George W. Bush’s tour of the Middle East was a failure, showing his unsuccessful policies and the problems he would leave to his successor, The New York Times daily said on Tuesday.

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According to an editorial of the newspaper, the president left Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt without making any progress in the objectives planned.

After seven years out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Bush spoke in Jerusalem about his vision in relation to the solution to the problem and the negotiations started in Annapolis.

However, he avoided the necessary efforts to achieve concessions by the sides, the influential newspaper said.

To The New York Times, the US head of State and State Secretary Condoleezza Rice seem not to be interested in boosting effective commitments.

Bush arrived in Saudi Arabia, hoping to get promises of greater oil production, and although he was paid more attention than US Vice president Cheney in his visit to Riyadh two months ago, he did not obtain the dividends he expected, the newspaper said.

The Saudi authorities agreed a modest increase, which the daily called insufficient to alleviate the energy tensions in the United States.

The president contacted in Cairo leaders from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, key countries in the so called war against terrorism, in which the White House failures have complicated the regional and international panorama, the New York daily said.

According to The Times, the US president was not able to change with his tour the opinion of the US citizenry, which need a new president with precise plans to reverse Bush’s disastrous legacy.