MEPs say Blair is part of Mideast problem

Brussels : Two Members of the European Parliament have strongly criticized the European Union for consenting to accept the nomination of ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair as the Middle East Quartet's special representative.

"The European Union as a member of the Middle East Quartet is about to squash the hopes of the people of the Middle East for a peaceful two-state solution. Given his active support of the war on Iraq in breach of international law and his failure to exercise any constraining influence on Israel during its bombing campaign on Lebanon. Tony Blair has lost any trust in the Middle East," said Angelika Beer, spokesperson on security policy for the Greens, and Caroline Lucas, member of the Palestine delegation of the EP and chair of the intergroup on peace initiatives.

"The EU has missed the opportunity to free itself from dictates of the US and Britain," said the two MEPs in a joint statement.

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"Instead of recognizing the Palestine unity government, it cut structural assistance a year ago. In response to the present conflict in the Gaza Strip, it has given the nod to the Bush administration's fatal policy of isolating and starving out this region."
"By the decision to appoint Blair, the Middle East Quartet would add fuel to the fire it is actually supposed to extinguish. Blair would lack any means to counter the fire threatening to engulf the whole region." added the statement.