Myanmar stresses prompt repair of cyclone-ravaged jetties in Yangon

By Xinhua,

Yangon : The Myanmar authorities have stressed the prompt repair of remaining cyclone-ravaged jetties in Yangon to ensure speedy and normal inflow of commodities from other parts of the country, the official newspaper New light of Myanmar reported Thursday.

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According to the report, the Myanmar Port Authority has completed the repair of six jetties, removal of two damaged ones and salvage of 73 vessels that sank or grounded in Yangon and Bago Rivers.

Trawlers are now in normal function on the two rivers bringing daily 150,000 tons of fresh water fish to Yangon from the cyclone-hard-hit Ayeyawaddy delta region, especially lobsters and prawns from the hardest-hit Laputta and Bogalay townships, the report added.

Meanwhile, the Association of Dalla Port Watercrafts said earlier that over 200 powered watercrafts which berthed at the Yangon Port were totally destroyed by the storm. Search for such sunk vessels in the Yangon River is still underway in the aftermath of the cyclone storm.

Deadly cyclone Nargis, which occurred over the Bay of Bengal, hit five divisions and states — Ayeyawaddy, Yangon, Bago, Mon and Kayin on last May 2 and 3, of which Ayeyawaddy and Yangon inflicted the heaviest casualties and massive infrastructure damage.

The storm has killed 84,537 people and left 53,836 missing and 19,359 injured according to the latest official figure.