Deputy FM says talk with Turkmen President Positive


Ashkhabad : Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali-Reza Shiekh Attar called the results of his talk with Turkmen president in all fields ” Positive.”

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After meeting with President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov here Wednesday afternoon, Sheikh Attar told IRNA, “The two sides discussed bilateral, regional and international issues.”

He said that Afghanistan, the Caspian Sea and Iran’s nuclear program were among the issues discussed with the RUssian side and that President Berdymukhammedov supports Iran’s nuclear issue underlining that using peaceful nuclear energy is all countries’ absolute right.

Shiekh Attar quoted the Turkmen president as saying that using peaceful nuclear energy should not be turned into means for political ames and that a number of countries are currently truing to keep a monopoly in nuclear energy field.

The Iranian senior diplomat added, “The two main issues of mutual nterest in our talks were energy and transportation though, which were discussed in details during our meeting.”

He added, “Iran can offer technical assistance in the fields of extraction and refinement of oil and gas as well as making investments in that field.”

Focusing over joint railroad construction issue by Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, Shiekh Attar said the Iranian companies are to participate in building 85 kilometers of that railroad in Iran’s soil as well as 220 kilometers of it in the soil of Turkmenistan.

Among the other issues discussed in the meeting there was the Caspian Sea legal status, according to the Iranian deputy FM, in which both sides have called for the acceleration of bilateral cooperation over implementing the outcome decisions made last year in the summit of Caspian Sea littoral states in Tehran.

The Iranian diplomat also welcomed closeness of ties between Azerbaijan Republic and Turkmenistan during the meeting and said that the closeness cause acceleration of efforts aimed at solving the remainder of problems regarding the Caspian Sea.

Sheikh Attar is also scheduled to meet with Turkmen Foreign Minister and other senior Turkmen officials on Thursday.

Iran and Turkmenistan have 1200 kilometers of common borders.