presents “Agenda for India”. Series editor is Charu Bahri.
According to Dr Saleem Kidwai of the Centre for Canadian, US and Latin American Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, today, terrorism poses the greatest threat to India’s security.
“In this context, I believe that it is essential to highlight the fact that Indian Muslims constitute the second largest Muslim population in any country of the world. Most of the west is not aware of this reality, and to that extent, this experience is not being utilized for what it is worth. Empirical evidence suggests that Islam flourished in the mixed composite culture that prevailed in India. The genuine faith of Indian Muslims in the concept of secularism promoted by India has allowed them to participate in India’s growth story and its democratic processes. This state-of-affairs is in stark contrast to the scenario prevailing in other west Asian countries. It is important for the USA to recognize this reality, since this appreciation would pave the way to India been counted as a valued partner in the USA-led war on terror. India, a country that has traditionally maintained cordial relations with west Asian nations, can play an important role to counter the rise of extremist Muslims. After President Obama’s historic address to Muslim nations made at Cairo, I am hopeful that the USA will wake up to this reality.”

Students giving pose to TCN at Madrasa Al-Jameatul Jalalia Al-Alaiya Al-Ashrafia 2
“My experience suggests that Asian Islamic nations admire India’s democratic tradition. During a visit to Pakistan, I interacted with people who were all praise for our democracy. After all, the same conditions prevailed in India and Pakistan at the time of Independence, and yet, the Indian state has made more rapid strides in its evolution.”
“I am confident that the new government will contribute to national stability, as well as better equip itself to tackle the challenge of terrorism. I am equally confident that something good will emerge from a partnership between the USA and the new government.”
“As regards the relation between the economy and foreign affairs, the new government should focus on increasing our self-sufficiency. This would bode well to counter the ongoing worldwide recession, as well as similar situations that come up in future.”
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