Mumbai: Over 35,000 members of the Dawoodi Bohra community will march Thursday in groups of 99 to the accompaniment of music and fireworks to celebrate the 99th birthday of their religious leader, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, which falls on Sunday.
An aide to the Syedna said that thousands of community members from all over India and other parts of the world, including the US, Europe, Africa, Far East and Middle East have also started arriving in Mumbai to offer greetings to the Syedna and seek his blessings.
The Dawoodi Bohras, including men, women and children, will walk in groups of 99 through the congested Bhendi Bazaar area, guided by the community’s scout bands.
“The 1.2 million community, spread all over the world, starts celebrating the Syedna’s birthday along with the birthday celebrations of Prophet Mohammed each year,” an aide told IANS.
The two birthdays are marked everywhere by initiating a variety of social, academic and health projects, including exhibitions, low cost housing schemes, mass marriages, sports competitions, Holy Quran competitions and other activities, he said.
On Sunday, the Syedna will deliver a special discourse in which he will emphasise peace and patriotism. It will be telecast live to over 700 cities and community centres in India and around the world.