Strike by tribals affects life in Jharkhand


Ranchi : Shops, schools and arterial roads were closed in many parts of Jharkhand Tuesday as the daylong strike called to protest the delimitation panel’s recommendation to reduce the number of reserved seats for tribals in the assembly and Lok Sabha came into effect.

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Roads were deserted, ATMs closed and attendance thin in most government offices as the dawn to dusk strike called by tribal organisations against the Delimitation Commission of India’s (DCI) recommendation began.

Strike supporters also blocked the national highway and disrupted railway services in many parts.

The strike has been called by the Jharkhand Janadhikar Manch, Praha Raja Association, Manjhi Parganaet Association, Dokol Sohor Mahasamittee and Adivasi Moolvasi Janadhikar Manch. The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) has supported the strike.

“Our party supports the strike and we are against the DCI’s recommendation,” said Sudhir Mahto, deputy chief minister and JMM leader.

Added Chief Minister Madhu Koda: “The commission has made some recommendations and the central government is yet to decide on it. We have conveyed the sentiments of the people to the central government”.

According to the DCI recommendation, the total number of reserved tribal seats will be reduced from 28 to 21 in the assembly and from six to five in Lok Sabha.

A strike had been called in June to protest against the recommendation. At Koda’s request, the DCI members had then cancelled their visit to the state.