CPI-M reiterates opposition to n-deal


New Delhi : The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) Tuesday asked the Manmohan Singh government not to proceed with the India-US civilian nuclear deal, reiterating that it would make India a “subordinate ally” of Washington.

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“We have extended support to the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) government on the basis of the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). We cannot allow it government to complete this deal initiated by the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) government,” CPI-M politburo member Sitaram Yechury said during a discussion in the Rajya Sabha on the nuclear deal.

“Our appeal to you (Prime Minister Manmohan Singh) is, please do not proceed on this at all. Do not make India a subordinate ally of the US.”

CPI-M leads four Left parties extending crucial support to the UPA government from outside.

Refuting charges levelled against the Communists, the CPI-M leader said, “It is wrong to say we are anti-American. Our opposition is not to the American people. In fact, we are pro-American people,” said Yechury adding, “Sixty-one percent of the US people are not for (George W.) Bush. We are anti-US imperialism.

“We take our position on the basis of what we perceive as India’s national interest. And this is based not on extra-territorial loyalty. Even if China approves this deal, we will continue to oppose it.”

Yechury quoted a senior US official in the United Nations who according to him had said, “If you play by the rules like India you will be rewarded. Otherwise you will face sanctions,” referring to Iran as the country which had defied the US and was facing sanctions.

He mentioned how India had wriggled out of a gas pipeline project also involving Iran and Pakistan and wondered whether it was done under pressure from the US.

The Left leader said those trying to export goods to Iran were being denied credit. “We are already succumbing to US pressure.”