86th British soldier killed in Afghanistan

London, Dec 9, IRNA , A UK soldier has been killed during an assault by international forces on a Taleban stronghold in Afghanistan, it was announced Sunday.

The Ministry of Defence in London confirmed the death of the soldier from the 2nd Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment in northern England, but did not give further details.

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According to the Afghan defence ministry, twelve Taleban insurgents were also killed during fighting, while two children also died in a battle in Musa Qala.

The latest British death brings the total number of UK troops killed so far this year to 42 out of 86 British fatalities since the overthrow of the Taleban militia regime in 2001.

It also coincided with Defence Minister Des Browne, who is visiting Kabul, saying Musa Qala had taken on iconic importance.

Browne said Afghan forces would lead the re-taking of the town, which was the subject of a controversial deal that led to the Taleban to take it over in February after British troops withdrew.

At the time, the deal was portrayed as a “win-win” situation, with the Taleban and British pull-out supposed to leave local forces to assume local government.