EP member: Dialogue, solution to Iran’s nuclear issue


Tehran : A European Parliament (EP) member, who is visiting Tehran, expressed pleasure with US Intelligence report on Iran’s nuclear activities and stressed that dialogue is the only solution to Iran’s N-case.

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According to Majlis Media Department report on Saturday evening, Ms Angelika Niebler, who is in charge of Iran affairs, in a meeting with Head of Majlis Foreign Relations Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mahmoud Mohammadi said, “From the beginning, the EP had recognized that dialogue was an appropriate solution to Iran’s nuclear issue.”

She pointed out that European Union has no problem with Iran’s peaceful use of nuclear energy.

She described relations between European Parliament and Iran’s majlis as ‘good and constructive’ with opportunities for discussing different issues.

The EP deputy added, “Increasing parliamentary exchanges between European legislative body and Iran in this sensitive time is very important and help to realize the realities and make correct decisions.”

The Iranian Majlis Deputy Mahmoud Mohammadi, for his part, said, “EP members’ visits to the Islamic Republic of Iran have a noticeable role in showing the existing realities of Iran to the western countries and Europe.”

Referring to the US intelligence organizations report on Iran’s nuclear activities, Mohammadi said, “The report was a confession on Iran’s rightfulness in the nuclear issue, which should have been published in 2003 to prevent US and the West hue and cry and trouble making on Iran’s peaceful nuclear activity.

Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee of majlis said, “Continuation of talks with EU is the only logical way to remove existing standstill in this concern.”

The EP delegation members also asked questions on fight against drugs, human rights, women affairs and religious minorities issue which was answered by Iranian majlis deputies attending the meeting.