Abbas urges for donors supports for reviving Palestinian economy

By Xinhua

Amman : Visiting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas here Friday called on world donors to extend economic support to help reviving Palestinian economy.

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The international community should extend economic support to the Palestinians in the coming Paris donors conference to be held on Monday, Abbas urged.

Abbas, who arrived here Thursday, made the call in a speech on the sidelines of a signing ceremony of an agreement between the Palestinian investment fund and a Saudi Arabia company to establish an investment project in Ramallah.

In an interview with Qatar’s al-Jazeera satellite news channel, Mideast Quartet envoy Tony Blair noted Friday that the international donors would pledge to grant some 5.6 billion U.S. dollars to support the Palestinians in their Paris conference.

Abbas, meanwhile, called on the international community to put into effect agreements of the recent U.S.-sponsored Annapolis conference to achieve the Palestinian rights including the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestinian refugees’ right of return.

The international community should live up to its commitments to push peace process forward, he urged.

On Nov. 27, President Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in the Annapolis conference and agreed to negotiate a peace treaty before the end of 2008 with a view to paving the way for the creation of an independent Palestinian state.