Raipur : Railway tracks were removed at two places in Chattisgarh Monday allegedly by Maoist militants bringing to a halt transportation of iron ore from the state's Bailadila hills to the port city of Vishakhapatnam.
Rebels damaged the tracks at two spots near Bacheli and Bhansi stations in Bailadila hiils about 340 km from here.
Bailadila hill, situated in Dantewada district has the world's largest stocks of good quality iron ore.
The National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (NMDC) has been operating mines in three of Bailadila's 14 iron ore deposits for about three decades for domestic supplies and exports.
Militants had also blasted off several mainline electric poles in Bijapur district near Bhairamgarh late Sunday night leading to a blackout in the area.
Maoists' bid to damage rail properties and power facilities comes ahead of a two-day economic blockade on July 26-27, called by the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist).