Explosions destroy 20 music shops in Pakistan

By Xinhua

Islamabad : Some 20 music video shops were blown up in three bomb explosions in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) early Friday, the NNI news agency reported.

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Nine music shops were destroyed in Charsadda, a town some 35 km northeast of the NWFP provincial capital Peshawar, as bombs planted by unknown people exploded in CD markets, the news agency said.

Some 11 music shops were destroyed in Tungi, another town in the area, when the explosives went off at 3 a.m. local time, shop owners said.

Several owners reportedly had received letters from a local group “Tehrik Taliban” with a message to shut their music CD shops by April 27.

The blasts caused no casualties as all the shops were closed at the time of explosions. Police have started investigation into the incidents.

In another development, mobile phone shops owners in Charsadda have refused to offer music ring-tones to customers after threats to music centres.

At least 24 people were killed and some 50 others were injured when a suicide bomber blew himself in the public meeting of Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Sherpao on April 28 in Charsadda.