IT giant CA opens its largest campus in Hyderabad


Hyderabad : Computer Associates (CA), one of the world’s largest IT management software companies, Wednesday launched a new campus of India Technology Centre (ITC), making it the largest development facility of the company in the world.

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Built at a cost of $30 million at Nanakramguda village near here, the state-of-the-art campus was formally inaugurated by John Swainson, CA president and CEO.

Started in 2003, the ITC now has a 1,600 strong workforce, which is 30 percent of the global research and development staff of the company.

“This reflects our strong commitment to India and importance of our operations here in overall business strategy. Hyderabad and India are exciting places to be in as they are the hubs of high quality workforce and technology, and offer endless opportunities,” said Swainson.

The ITC team will take a lead role in advancing CA’s enterprise IT management vision of unifying and simplifying IT management.

The software engineers at ITC will work on multiple high-profile CA product lines that will help customers govern, manage and secure IT more effectively and cost efficiently.

Noting that ITC is making a significant contribution to the company’s revenues, Swainson said the products being developed here would have significant global impact. “We have high expectations of this facility and this team,” he said.

“We will always be looking for opportunities to expand,” he said when asked about CA’s future plans in India and whether it was looking for acquisitions in the country.

CA has 150 employees at its global technology support centre in Chennai. It also has sales offices and solution centres in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata and Ahmedabad.

The CA CEO said the company did not come to India to save dollars but to take advantage of the high quality and highly educated workforce available here.

He said the company had no plans to go to low-cost venues like the Philippines and Malaysia. “Our business needs are met by a mix of Europe, the US and Indian development centres,” he said.

Swainson was all praise for the growth of IT and the economic development of India. “The economy is growing quickly and business opportunities are expanding world over. There is also greater realisation that Indian business can’t do without IT,” he said.

Referring to the location of CA campus in an area where its competitors like Microsoft and Infosys have built their massive facilities, he lauded the environment for IT companies in Hyderabad and compared it to the one prevailing in Silicon Valley. “We are in the community of innovation and excellence and we are lucky to be here,” he said.

ITC, which has office space of 260,672 square feet, also includes features such as a fitness centre, floodlit basketball and tennis courts, cricket pitch and a 600-seat amphitheatre.

The facility boasts of world-class data centre, the fifth such data centre of the company in the world. The other data centres are located in the US, Britain and Australia.

Founded in 1976, the US-based company has its operations in the US, Britain, India, Germany, Israel, Australia, China and offices in 45 countries.

In fiscal 2005, CA reported $3.94 billion in revenues.