September 11 attacks still a mystery

By NNN-Prensa Latina

Washington : The United States of America Tuesday marked the 6th Anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon, which is still involved in two wars that have taken the lives of about 4,000 north Americans.

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Several years after those terrorist attacks, there are questions on those events, which left nearly 3,000 fatal victims, with still no answer.

Various writers and politicians like Former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush”s first term Morgan Reynolds, and ex minister of Defense Andreas von Bulow, and other leaders of German intelligence, consider that those attacks were planned by Washington.

It was a covert operation to wash the brain of the American people, and then to influence a long-lasting conflict, said Von Bulow in a interview in 2004.

The critics mention some points which question the truth of the official version such as the strict order of silence ordered on the New York firemen and the Federal Administration of Aviation.

Also, buildings five and six of the World Trade Center suffered serious fires, but they did not collapse, although they had steel beams much thinner that the Towers. Building seven did, even though it was damaged by a relatively small fire.

After the incident, the Federal Emergency Management Agency took the steel structures out of the buildings before they could be analyzed, despite the law establishing that crime scene evidence should be stored for subsequent investigation.

Though there are many fragile points, Washington insists on presenting the attacks as a plan carried out by a group of 19 terrorists, all members of Al Qaeda network, led by Saudi Osama bin Laden.

The fact is that those attacks allowed Bush to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, countries where the Pentagon is facing serious problems now.