Pakistani parliament to withdraw media restrictions


Islamabad : Pakistan new government on Friday moved a bill in the parliament to lift the tough curbs on media imposed by President Pervez Musharraf when he proclaimed emergency in November, the Information Minister said.

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According to Musharraf’s press ordinance, newspapers and television channels were banned from publishing or broadcasting pictures of suicide bombers or their victims, or statements by militants.

The order also outlawed any material that defames, ridicules or disrespects the head of state, members of the armed forces or the executive, judicial and legislative organs of the state.

Jail term, huge penalty and confiscation of equipment were proposed in the laws, strongly condemned by the media groups and opposition parties.

The Information Minister Sherry Rehman on Friday introduced a bill to repeal the amendments made in the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMERA) Ordinance, 2002 0n 3rd November, 2007.

“The draconian laws that threatened coercive action against the press will be removed via this bill to begin in the process of providing for a free press in Pakistan,” the bill said.

The amendment will reduce the penalty from ten million rupees to one million rupees for a licensee who contravenes the provisions of the PEMERA laws, and has been given reasonable opportunity to show cause.

The new bill has withdrawn powers of the Authority/Chairman PEMERA to seize the equipment or seal the premises of a Licensee; and also close down the network of a licensee in a situation of emergency.

The law also removes ban on live coverage of violence and conflict and will withdraw the section of one year imprisonment for the broadcast licensee or his representative who violates or abets violation of any PEMERA law.