Taiwan Strait, Historic Chance

By Julio Hernandez Blanco, Prensa Latina,

Beijing : China and Taiwan took fresh steps towards resuming ties at a weekend meeting between President Hu Jintao and Taiwan Vice President-elect Vincent Siew.

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Siew will assume office on May 20 together with President elect Ma Ying-Jeou after they won the March 22 elections by a broad margin with Kuomintang Party (KMT).

Siew attended in Hainan the Boao Forum for Asia 2008, with ten other politicians, as head of the Common Market of the Taiwan Strait Foundation. As background to the meeting, Siew campaigned to mark a turning point, end secessionist plans and boost the bilateral economy.

On welcoming the visitor, Hu Jintao said bilateral economic exchange between the mainland and Taiwan are being given a historic chance.

The Chinese statesman pledged to promote economic and cultural exchange, plus special efforts to boost talks on weekend flights and tours.

Vincent Siew proposed at a round table in Hainan to Chinese Trade Minister Chen Deming 12 projects on a budget of $35 billion to develop in Taiwan 13 large infrastructures with Chinese investors.

So far, under Cold War regulations, Chinese businessmen cannot sell products in Taiwan, which could be reverted with the KMT, who has a sweeping majority in Congress.