By Pervez Bari,
Bhopal: The leaders of Pakatan Rakyat, an alliance of three political parties of Malaysia, have reaffirmed their commitment to implement the broad agenda to develop Malaysia and its desire to create a prosperous society irrespective of ethnicity, religion and culture and uphold human rights.
A joint statement issued by Malaysian political leaders Wan Azizah Ismail, DS Anwar Ibrahim, YB Lim Kit Siang and YB Ustaz Haji Hadi Awang and circulated through e-mail said the policies of Pakatan Rakyat are centered on objectives that have been agreed upon and accepted by the leaders of the three parties that are KeADILan, DAP and Pas. Among these are to develop Malaysia on the basis of justice, create opportunities for all citizens to enjoy national prosperity and to accord priority to those who are poor and marginalized.
Pakatan Rakyat is not the forum nor is it the place for any group or individual to champion personal ideologies or that of its component parties. Although there have been individuals who express personal views that differ from the agreed agenda of Pakatan Rakyat, those views are clearly personal. They do not represent that of any of the parties in Pakatan Rakyat.
As such, all leaders and members of Pakatan Rakyat have been directed to desist from expressing views that contradict those that have been mutually agreed upon by Pakatan Rakyat, the joint statement said.
There is no one party that is the backbone of Pakatan Rakyat. In fact, the strength of Pakatan Rakyat is based on principles of equality and spirit of co-operation among leaders of Pakatan Rakyat in keeping with the mandate that has been given to us by the people during the 12th General Elections held recently in Malaysia.
The joint statement said: “Pakatan Rakyat is determined to implement and bring changes in accordance with the principles of democracy, socio-economic justice, equal economic opportunities and religious freedom. This great responsibility will be borne together in keeping with our pledges made during the 12th General Elections”.
“Pakatan Rakyat has moved forward by arranging and strengthening policies to be implemented by all the State Governments under Pakatan Rakyat. These will also be adopted by all Pakatan Rakyat Members of Parliament when Parliament is in session. We will announce a general declaration of principles at some later date”, the joint statement added. ([email protected])