China calls for technology transfer, fund to address climate change

By Xinhua,

Beijing : A senior Chinese official Thursday called on the international community to evolve a mechanism for technology development and transfer to address climate change problems.

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Xie Zhenhua, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said, “the core of the mechanism is technology transfer, including sufficient funds to support the transfer”.

Xie made the remarks at the two-day forum on climate change and science and technology innovation which opened here Thursday as he shared the Chinese government’s ideas and proposals on how to promote technology transfer to reduce emissions.

“The transfer and application of existing technologies is a necessary precondition for developing countries to get on the road of low carbon,” he said.

“The development and breakthroughs of new technologies are crucial to the ultimate solution of the climate change issue,” he said.

Under the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations framework convention on climate change, developed countries are obliged to transfer technology to developing countries under favourable terms.

However, the signatories have not made any substantial progress on how to enforce the agreement, despite 15 years of intense debate.

Xie made several suggestions on how to achieve breakthroughs.

“A special body, such as a commission for technology development and transfers, should be established”, he said, adding that special funds for technology development and transfers should be set up, with regular evaluations of the process.

“Developed countries should promise further measures involving funds, taxation, laws and other aspects to help the mechanism play its role,” he said.

Science and technology minister Wan Gang said China has allocated seven billion Yuan ($1.01 billion) to save energy, reduce emissions and address climate change during the 11th five-year programme (2006-2010).

“This fund has helped the country greatly increase its ability to save energy and reduce emission and enhance its scientific research on climate change,” Wan said.

China has signed 103 scientific cooperation agreements with 97 countries and climate change is the top priority of bilateral cooperation between China and other countries, Wan said.