Extremists Distory Islam’s Nice Image, Says Iran Minister

By Bernama,

Moscow : Iran represents a version of Islam that is free of deviation, against extremist tendencies, and opposed to people’s falling preys to satanic traps, said its Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Mohammad-Hossein Saffar-Harandi.

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He, who is in Moscow on Friday to attend at Iran’s first ever Culture Week in Russia, added that the genuine version of Islam practiced and defended in Islamic Republic of Iran has serious barriers with the deviated versions such as those practiced by Taliban or Al-Qaeda.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), he said: “Some extremists who claim to be Muslims, damage, or even ruin the beautiful image of Islam in the minds of the world nations, including in Russia, and if such tendencies would not be properly controlled, they might boost terrorist tendencies and lead to other negative phenomena, as well.”

The Iranian Culture Minister reiterated that naturally, Islamic Republic of Iran’s insistence on need for observing genuine Islam provides an appropriate opportunity for the Islamic countries, and for Russia, that has considerable Islamic population, to check the authenticity of various Islamic tendencies based on the Book and the holy Prophet’s tradition.”