Agra : A 39-year-old man, believed to be mentally ill, attacked a Samajwadi Party MP here with a kitchen knife following an argument. The man claimed that the lawmaker’s wife was his mother.
Alok Srivastav, an IT professional from New Delhi, met S.P. Singh Baghael, an MP from Jalesar, at Bagahael’s home here Sunday.
Srivastav told Baghael that he believed the MP’s wife Madhu was his mother and demanded a DNA test. The two began arguing and Srivastav attacked the MP with a kitchen knife. However, others present in the house stopped him from inflicting any serious injury. Baghael escaped with a bruise on his neck.
After interrogating Srivastav, police said he was mentally disturbed, a fact his family confirmed on phone from Delhi.
“This psychological fixation could result in somebody’s death. He needs to be treated otherwise he could hurt someone,” said Senior Superintendent of Police Mohit Aggarwal.
According to the police, Srivastav had been regularly SMSing and calling Madhu, begging her to accept him as her son.
Baghael said he had asked Srivastav to meet him to resolve the issue and had not suspected that he might turn violent.