Hamas-Fatah tension delays Egyptian effort for dialogue

By Xinhua,

Gaza : Recent tensions between Hamas and Fatah has scattered hopes of holding inter-Palestinian dialogue to end political split, a senior Fatah leader said Thursday on condition of anonymity.

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Egypt, the mediator, has postponed a series of exploratory meetings that it was about to hold with the Palestinian factions after the renewal of tension, he said.

The inner-Palestinian tension mounted after a beachside blast last month which killed five Hamas members.

“The incidents which followed the explosion, and the clashes between Hamas and Helles family (a pro-Fatah clan), have pushed the Egyptians to postpone the mutual talks with the Palestinian factions,” he said.

“The delaying may last for more than one month,” he said, adding that Fatah movement is preparing to send a delegation to Cairo for talks “to bridge the gap (with Hamas) and end the split.”

He also accused Hamas of working to prevent the national dialogue from starting. “Fatah and the big Arab countries are now convinced that some Hamas leaders don’t want to push for reconciliation.”

Last week, Egypt invited the Palestinian factions to Cairo to hear from them separately about ways to resume the inter-Palestinian dialogue in order to end the crisis.