India lodges protest with Pak over pushing in of militants


New Delhi : India on Wednesday lodged a strong protest with Pakistan for pushing in militants in Jammu and Kashmir in the cover of firing from across the border and presented evidence at a meeting between the border guards of the two countries.

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“We have lodged a strong protest with our Pakistan counterparts at border outpost on International Border (IB) in Jammu frontier over pushing in of militants under the cover of cross-border firing in Kanachak area yesterday,” Deputy Inspector General (DIG), Jammu, J B Sangwan said after a flag meeting of the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers, PTI reported here.

The move came a day after Pakistani troops fired at Indian positions in the 31st ceasefire violation this year leaving four BSF personnel injured. The Pakistani troops also gave cover to a group of militants to infiltrate into the country in two incidents within a span of few hours in Jammu and Kashmir.

During the meeting at Tent post in Kana Chak in Jammu frontier between Commandant of BSF and Wing Commander of Chinab Rangers, the Indian side showed the “ground proofs of infiltration and cutting of fencing besides firing signs”.

The Pakistan side dubbed it as a handiwork of militants and promised to probe the incident, BSF sources said.

The first incident yesterday took place as a BSF post along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district. In the second episode, a group of 20-30 unidentified ultras took positions close to the International Border on the Pakistan side and opened indiscriminate firing on border patrol parties around 12.30 AM, Sagwan said.

Three to four ultras infiltrated through the Layliyal border outpost by cutting a three-tier fence, he said.