Russia Exposes G-7 in Caucasus

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : Russia accused the Group of Seven (G-7) of justifying Georgia’s aggressions in the Caucasus by rejecting Russia’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia’s sovereignty.

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Quoting a statement issued by the foreign ministers of G-7, the Russian foreign ministry described the decision as tendentious.

Russian head of government Vladimir Putin accused the United States of inciting the invasion of the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali by Georgian troops on August 7, which resulted in more than 1,600 dead.

According to Russian military sources over a thousand US consultants took part in the preparations of the Georgian army, equipped by the Pentagon and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

A survey conducted by the Obschevtsvenoe Mnenie center (Common Opinion) indicated that in 44 of the 83 republics and regions of the Russian Federation 75 percent of those polled openly supported the reinforcement of Russian peacemakers in Georgia.

Only 13 of every 100 described the role of Russian troops in the conflict as a mistake.

German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier rejected the possibility of sanctioning Russia and said some common sense must be applied in such a complicated political situation.

“Russia will continue to be our neighbor and we should reestablish normal relations for our own interest,” he added.

South Ossetian Parliament president Tarzan Kokoity said Tskhinvali and Moscow are signing an agreement to implement military bases in the rebel territory.