Lucknow : The police, officials of the intelligence department and the anti-terror squad have positioned themselves at the Bundelkhand University in Uttar Pradesh after a call threatening to blow it up was received, officials said Saturday.
“While an intensive search operation has been launched in the varsity, security has also been tightened on the campus,” district police chief L.V. Anthony Devkumar told IANS.
Besides the police, officials of the intelligence department and the anti-terror squad are camping in the Bundelkhand University in Jhansi district, some 350 km from here, he added.
According to the police, the threatening call was received Friday on the official telephone of the varsity’s registrar.
“The caller did not reveal his identity and threatened to blow up the varsity within five days,” police Inspector R.P. Singh said.
Asked about the caller, Devkumar said: “We are yet to trace the number and nab the caller.”