Hamas armed wing: Lull with Israel is over

By Xinhua,

Gaza : Islamic Hamas movement armed wing al-Qassam Brigades announced on Friday morning that the lull with Israel is over, saying Israel is responsible for the end.

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The group said in a leaflet sent to reporters that at 6:00 a.m.(4:00 GMT) “The Tahde’aa with Israel is official over and Israel is held fully responsible for ending it,” adding “if Israel escalates, we are ready to defend our people.”

“The Tahde’aa brokered by Egypt between the Palestinian factions and the Zionist enemy finished on Friday morning,” the group said. “The Zionist enemy shot the bullet at the truce and is responsible for ending it.”

Egypt has brokered the truce, which became into effect in June 19, between Gaza armed groups and Israel, in condition that Israel reopens Gaza crossings and refrain from carrying out military operations into the Gaza Strip. At the same time the militant groups should refrain from launching homemade rockets from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel.

However, the truce was violated on Nov. 4, when fighting was renewed between the two side.

Al Qassam Brigades warned Israel “of carrying out any large-scale military operation into the Gaza Strip and commit new crimes. Then, the doors for battles will be widely opened and the responses will be so painful.”

Meanwhile, Israel Radio reported on Friday that two homemade rockets fired from Gaza landed on an area in southern Israel right after Hamas armed wing announced that the truce with Israel was over.

Saraya al-Quds, Islamic Jihad (Holy War) movement’s armed wing claimed responsibility for launching the rockets. Israel Radio said no injuries or damages were reported.