Mumbai : Mumbai Police Tuesday rubbished the alleged attack on Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan’s residence here Sunday night by Raj Thackeray’s supporters as “a figment of the imagination” of Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh.
Joint Commissioner of Police (law and order) K.L. Prasad told IANS that all allegations about an attack on Bachchan’s residence in Juhu were “false and concocted”.
Bachchan’s bungalow ‘Prateeksha’ was reportedly attacked by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) activists, who came on motorbikes and hurled empty glass bottles at the actor’s former home.
MNS chief Raj Thackeray’s controversial remarks on people from north India had led to clashes in several parts of Maharashtra.
MNS activists disrupted Samajwadi Party’s rally, and assaulted several taxi drivers and street vendors, mostly from north India. Many shops were also forcibly shut down.
Following reports of the attack on Bachchan’s house, the police had posted additional security outside Bachchans’ two bungalows.
“The attack is a figment of the imagination of Amar Singh,” Prasad told IANS.
Singh, general secretary of the Samajwadi Party and a close friend of Bachchan, had lodged a police complaint against Raj Thackeray for the violence.
Prasad said the police had searched the entire bungalow and did not find any signs of an attack. “Forget glass bottles or pieces, we did not recover even a glass shrapnel from anywhere, either inside or outside,” he said.
However, the police are not taking any chances and have provided “more than adequate security at both the houses”, he added.
The law and order department of Mumbai Police also dismissed all contentions that the Bachchan residence was a target.
“It appears that some leaders are trying to gain political mileage by promoting enmity between two regional groups,” it said in a statement.