Sunny day but cold winds spoil Delhi’s weekend


New Delhi : The people in the national capital woke up to a sunny Sunday but the dipping mercury and chilly winds made it a cold weekend.

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The minimum temperature in Delhi remained pegged around five degrees Celsius for the third consecutive day. The minimum temperature recorded here was 5.5 degrees Celsius, nearly five degrees below what is normal doe this time of the year.

The Met Office has said the worst is not yet over. With the cold northwesterly winds blowing in, the winter is here to stay for some more time.

Ground frost and fog conditions prevailed over most parts of Punjab, Haryana, north Rajasthan and western Uttar Pradesh. The weatherman forecast the frost would affect these parts for at least two or three days more till Wednesday.

The lowest temperature in the plains was recorded at Amritsar in Punjab where the mercury went below freezing point and was at -1.6 degrees Celsius.

The other metropolis facing unprecedented winter is Mumbai, which got a brief respite from cold with the minimum temperature rising to 12.4 degrees Celsius. But even this was nearly five degrees below normal. The minimum temperature in Mumbai Friday was 8.5 degrees Celsius, the lowest in nearly 40 years.

Ahmedabad, capital of the adjoining Gujarat, faced another day of under-10 degrees weather with the mercury hovering at a chilly 7.4 degrees Celsius – at least seven degrees below what is normal for the city for this time of the year.

The Met Office says that the current weather conditions in the western parts of the country will continue for the next two-three days till Wednesday.

Many parts of eastern India saw rain during the day, leading to a fall in the temperatures. The forecasts for the region were more rain and thundershowers for the next couple of days.

The following are the maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall in major cities for the 24 hours till Sunday morning, with figures in brackets denoting deviations from the average.

City Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature Rainfall
(C) (C) (mm)

Delhi 18.0 (-5) 5.5 (-5) Nil

Mumbai 26.4 (-5) 12.4 (-5) Nil

Chennai 31.3 (+2) 25.0 (+4) Nil

Kolkata 23.2 (-6) 17.4 (+1) 3.3

Ahmedabad 22.5 (-7) 7.4 (-7) Nil

Bangalore 28.0 (-1) 20.6 (+5) 9.6

Bhopal 20.7 (-7) 5.5 (-7) Nil

Bhubaneswar 28.0 (-3) 20.2 (+2) 24.6

Chandigarh 19.6 (+3) 4.6 (-4) Nil

Dehradun 20.2 (-1) 5.2 (-3) Nil

Panaji 27.8 (-3) 17.3 (-4) Nil

Guwahati 22.5 (-3) 13.6 (+3) Nil

Hyderabad 29.8 (+2) 18.4 (+4) Nil

Jaipur 18.7 (-6) 4.2 (-6) Nil

Lucknow 19.8 (-5) 5.4 (-3) Nil

Nagpur 27.6 (-4) 11.3 (-4) Nil

Patna 23.4 (-2) 9.3 (-3) Nil

Pune 27.8 (-3) 11.2 (0) Nil

Srinagar 6.5 (0) -6.3 (-5) Nil

Thiruvananthapuram 33.3 (+1) 24.2 (+1) Nil