Danish Muslims take to streets in Copenhagen to protest blasphemy


Vienna : Hundreds of Danish Muslims took to streets in Copenhagen on Friday to protest reprinting of a cartoon blasphemous to Islam.

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All major Danish newspapers decided to republish it after Danish intelligence said it had uncovered a plot to kill one of the cartoonists.

Protestors marched in the capital’s streets shouting “God is Great” and “Freedom of speech is like a plague”.

Many carried the black and white flags of Hizb ut-Tahrir – the radical Islamic party that calls for the creation of a caliphate.

Earlier, at Friday prayers, Danish Muslims from many backgrounds expressed frustration that one of the cartoons they find so offensive could have been printed again.

Many said they simply could not understand the motive unless it was hatred for Islam.

Some Danish Muslims said they felt the problem was not the Danish people who were, if not well informed about Islam, at least generally liberal.

Instead, they pointed the finger of blame at the Danish media, saying it had stirred controversy instead of trying to help mend community relations.

On Tuesday, Denmark’s Security and Intelligence Service said it had uncovered a plot by three Muslims in Denmark to kill one of the cartoonists.

Two of the men, who are not Danish citizens, are due to be expelled to Tunisia rather than put on trial.

Many Danish Muslims criticized this decision, saying it would be better to examine the evidence and punish the men if they were really guilty.