It’s getting warm in Delhi


New Delhi : After being in single digit for months, the minimum temperature in Delhi touched 15 degrees Celsius Saturday signalling an end to the cold, though the weatherman predicted a fall in the next couple of days.

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The maximum temperature in the capital was around 27 degrees, three above normal. The Met office said that temperatures in most parts of northern India remained three to four degrees above normal.

The weather office has predicted a fall in minimum temperature by nearly two to three degrees this weekend.

The lowest minimum temperature in the plains was 8.8 degrees Celsius recorded at Amritsar in Punjab.

The Met office said that many parts of Jammu and Kashmir received light snow and rain and the state could see more rain till Sunday.

Rain is also forecast for Punjab, Haryana and Arunachal Pradesh.

The following are the maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall in major cities for the 24 hours till Saturday morning, with figures in brackets denoting deviations from the average.

City Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature Rainfall
(C) (C) (mm)

Delhi 27.9 (+3) 15.2 (+4) Nil

Mumbai 31.0 (-1) 19.8 (+2) Nil

Chennai 31.0 (+1) 22.6 (+1) Nil

Kolkata 28.5 (-1) 16.1 (-1) Nil

Ahmedabad 34.0 (+2) 18.7 (+4) Nil

Bangalore 31.7 (+2) 17.7 (+1) Nil

Bhopal 34.4 (+4) 15.0 (+2) Nil

Bhubaneswar 29.8 (-2) 16.7 (+2) Nil

Chandigarh 25.6 (+2) 13.2 (+4) Nil

Dehradun 24.3 (+2) 13.2 (+5) Nil

Panaji 33.1 (+2) 21.0 (+1) Nil

Guwahati 28.4 (+1) 11.5 (-1) Nil

Hyderabad 31.9 (0) 20.2 (+3) Nil

Jaipur 31.6 (+5) 15.4 (+3) Nil

Lucknow 27.7 (+1) 11.8 (+2) Nil

Nagpur 34.7 (+2) 15.7 (0) Nil

Patna 27.4 (-1) 12.6 (0) Nil

Pune 34.9 (+2) 15.5 (+3) Nil

Srinagar 10.5 (+2) 2.5 (+3) 3.4

Thiruvananthapuram 33.5 (+1) 22.7 (0) Nil