Hosseini urges group 5+1 to be realistic


Tehran : Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini here on Sunday urged members of the Group 5 1 to be more realistic and adopt legal approach.

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Talking to reporters during his weekly press briefing, he said the Western governments campaign against nuclear rights of the Iranian nation will get nowhere.

Group 5 1 consists of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — China, Russia, France, Britain and the US — plus Germany.

The Iranian nation, in the past three decades, proved the world that it has insisted on its rights and would not relinquish them, he added.

Asked about Tehran’s reaction towards any probable resolution being lobbied by the US, he said, “The anti-Iran resolutions had no legal or logical base from the very beginning. Iranian nuclear program has been transparent and that all ambiguities were removed.”

He said that sending Iran to the UN Security Council was illegal and in contravention with terms of the international law.

The understanding reached between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, has resulted in normalization of relations, Hosseini said adding that all the six issues mentioned in the Action Plan were settled successfully.

On February 22, the UN nuclear agency acknowledged that it was “able to verify non-diversion of Iranian nuclear program.” IAEA Director General Mohamed Elbaradei said that the agency calls for Iran to accept Additional Protocol to Non-Proliferation Treaty to monitor the Safeguards.

Iran said that it will accept the Additional Protocol upon return of Iranian file from the Security Council to the Vienna-based specialized agency.