Mumbai : Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh Friday said the union budget was a “historic and revolutionary pro-rural budget”, hailing the loan waiver to farmers and increased allocation to educational institutions in the state.
Deshmukh, in a statement, said the proposed Rs.600-billion loan waiver announced for farmers came as “providence” to those reeling under the burden of debt.
He said the waiver would benefit around 2.5 million farmers in the state, which in turn meant “Rs.50 billion as loan would be waived off”.
“Education is a sector which needed a boost. And the finance minister gave it the much-needed attention. The proposed Rs.1 billion for Deccan College in Pune and Rs.50 million to Pune Agriculture College has come as a boon from heaven.”
“The earlier paucity of funds that had become a nightmare and plagued the educational institutions will now become a thing of the distant past,” Deshmukh said.
The state government, which was planning new educational institutions with infusion of funds, will now embark on the establishment of Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research in Pune, the chief minister said.
Deshmukh also lauded other proposals like the inclusion of the below poverty line (BPL) workers and unorganised sector workers in the health insurance scheme.