Bush sympathizes with contenders in Iowa

By Xinhua

Washington : President George W. Bush has been watching the Iowa caucuses and sympathized with winners and losers, the White House said on Friday.

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“He said he understands the excitement of the winners and the disappointment of the losers and the range of emotions that go with these events,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, Republican, and Illinois Senator Barack Obama, Democrat, won their party’s caucuses in Iowa, respectively, with 34 percent and 38 percent.

Perino cited Bush as saying “in the primaries you win some and you lose some and the question is how you do in the long run.”

In his first bid for the White House in 2000, Bush won Iowa, but lost the New Hampshire primary by 19 percentage points to Senator John McCain.

Obama who is vying to be the first African-American president beat the former First Lady surprisingly with 9 percentage points although the two candidates both vowed to bring changes to American politics.

However, the White House denied that calls from Democratic presidential candidates for changes show public unhappiness with the Bush’s administration.