Arab League Demands UN Intervention

By Prensa Latina

Cairo : The secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Mousa, called on the United Nations to intervene immediately to stop Israel’s crimes in the Gaza Strip.

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In a communiqué released at the AL headquarters, Mousa condemned international passivity and urged the UN, the European Union, Russia and the United States – all members of the so-called Middle East Quartet – to intervene.

The Israeli army murdered at least 12 Palestinians, including two women, and several dozens were wounded on Thursday and Friday, during air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian security sources.

Israel has proceeded with its policy of massacres and selective assassinations, destroying houses and enlarging its settlements by building new houses, humiliating the Palestinians at border checkpoints and imposing measures of siege and hunger, Mousa said.

The Arab leader questioned the peace-making efforts of the peace conference held in November in Annapolis, where Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas committed themselves to reaching an agreement in 2008.

Israel’s attacks jeopardize the peace-making efforts and negotiations agreed upon after that meeting, Mousa warned.

Since November 27 to date, more than 100 Palestinians have been killed and hundreds have been wounded in operations by the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza and the West Bank.