By Prensa Latina
Colombo : Intense fighting was reported today in the north of Sri Lanka, between government forces and guerrillas of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which left more than 30 dead and dozens of injured.
The district of Vavuniya was the scene of at least 8 confrontations in the last 24 hours, said the military report.
On January 2 the government of Sri Lanka announced the official rupture of the peace agreement that it kept with the LTTE movement for five years.
Meanwhile, the Army announced it would continue military operations in the north of the country, where the rebels want to create an independent state.
After the warning, LTTE members said they were ready to fulfil the articles for a cease of fire.
The rejection of the government to retake peace in the zone received strong international criticism.
The LTTE started the fight in July 1983, and the conflict has left more than 75,000 dead and displaced nearly 200,000.
The war has been a part of life between the majority Cingalese ethnicity and minority Tamil, which represents 18 percent of the current 21 million inhabitants in Sri Lanka.
The Tamiles, who come from the south of India, became second-hand citizens when they were excluded from important public posts, and their entry in universities was restricted during the 70’s.
Now, the LTTE extra officially has more than 15,000 soldiers with guns, mortars, and anti-air rockets.