Silent exhibition speaks volumes of poetry


New Delhi : Theirs is a silent world where sounds and voices hold no meaning. But a peek into the Body/Text Exhibition, to be held in the capital Jan 18-30, and one will discover that sign language and body movements can be a medium to speak volumes of visual poetry and body calligraphy to express a gamut of emotions.

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Organised by the Khoj International Artists Association in cooperation with The Deaf Way, an organisation which works for the hearing impaired, and the Spanish Embassy, the exhibition will be a culmination of the work of Jose Abad Lorente, an artist and photographer who has been working with hearing impaired children for a year now.

Parul Wadhwa, operations head of the Khoj International Arts Association, said that the exhibition questions the stigma associated with the deaf community.

“There is a big stigma associated with the deaf community. People who don’t understand the sign language laugh at them and consider them as abnormal. This exhibition questions all of this.

“Jose Abad, who has been conducting workshops with 12 hearing impaired students for the last one year, strives to question what the society calls as normal and abnormal. The exhibition will have photographs, body movements and sign language to express poetry and body calligraphy,” Wadhwa told IANS.

The aim of the art project, which will be on at the Khoj studio, will be to explore disability and representation through a range of different performative concepts and the body as tool for language and visual communication.