PM’s China visit ‘highly successful’: CPI-M


New Delhi : The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) has praised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s China visit, saying that stronger economic relationship between the two countries could move the centre of economic gravity of the world towards Asia.

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According to the People’s Democracy, the mouthpiece of the CPI-M, the most important achievement of Manmohan Singh’s three-day visit to Beijing was “the recognition that stronger economic relationship between India and China could well move the centre of economic gravity of the world towards Asia.”

“This recognition in itself will go a long way in the movement towards global multi polarity,” an editorial in the latest issue of the weekly said.

Pointing out that the visit was “highly successful and has positively contributed towards carrying forward the improvement of relations between the two Asian giants,” the article said.

A reporter of People’s Democracy was part of the large media delegation that accompanied Manmohan Singh to Beijing.

“There has been a new found sharing of concerns at the developments in Pakistan and the readiness to work together to meet the consequent threats of terror.”

Although expressing disappointment over the absence of major breakthroughs on Sino-Indian border dispute, the CPI-M pointed out that Beijing had been having strong economic ties in terms of trade and investment with Taiwan despite its “consequent irritants in political, diplomatic and military spheres.”

The article also said the visit has taken forward both the improvement of bilateral relations well as the joint role that both the countries ought to play in international affairs.

“It is clearly in the mutual interests of both India and China to carry forward this process,” the editorial said.

During Manmohan Singh Jan 13-15 visit to Beijing, India and China signed 11 agreements in diverse areas. The two countries also agreed to deepen a defence engagement that was till a few years ago unthinkable between the wary Asian neighbours and decided not to allow the border row to affect the development of their ties.