Sarkozys State visit to India to give “new boost” to ties


Paris : A two-day State visit by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to India January 25-26 aims to give a “new boost” to relations between the two nations, most likely on the political, economic, military and cultural levels, officials said here.

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Sarkozys spokesman David Martinon pointed out that “the two democracies already have a lot in common” and he noted the French leader had been invited by his Indian counterpart to take part in the National Day Celebrations and parade, which commemorate the adoption of the Indian constitution on January 26, 1950.

Martinon noted that elements of Frances founding constitution could be seen in the Indian document 160 years later and he praised the Indian approach to moulding a constitution that was acceptable in a country with many languages and traditions.

This is said was proof “the entente is a sprit of tolerance and peace,” he said.

Beyond the political rhetoric, Martinon said that the full schedule for the visit was still being completed.

It is believed France will offer India both nuclear and non-nuclear energy cooperation and eventual contracts, transport deals for airbus and for high-speed train links as well as other infrastructure projects, like water and waste management. Military equipment is also likely to be on the agenda for talks between the two sides.

Sarkozy is likely to be accompanied by a large delegation of senior businessmen from Frances leading sectors.