BJP pays back, calls CPI-M anti-democratic


New Delhi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Monday criticised the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), which had termed it as its enemy No. 1, and said its mindset was “patently anti-democratic”.

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The CPI-M’s remarks came in its political resolution, released Sunday and to be ratified by its 19th congress.

“The entire document smacks of political arrogance at its worst despite the fact that the Left Front parties have been conclusively pushed to the margins of the country and their political relevance is confined only to West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura,” BJP spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad said Monday.

“It is indeed astonishing that the CPI-M has the audacity to call the BJP as its enemy number one, failing to realise that the BJP is today one of the two principal political fronts of the world’s largest and truly functioning democracy and is in power in six states on its own and in three states in coalition.”

Rejecting “this entire concept of terming political opponents as enemies”, Prasad added: “The BJP would like to remind (CPI-M general secretary Prakash) Karat and his bandwagon of ‘leftovers’ that this mindset is patently anti-democratic, irrelevant and undesirable in the interest of healthy democratic traditions.”

“The inbuilt democratic genes of India’s masses always conclusively rejected such despicable and anti-democratic abuses during elections. This explains the reality of their total marginalisation in Indian politics where the Left Front cannot ever emerge beyond the confines of three states and where their total vote share at the national scene is nowhere close to double digits,” he said.