Brussels : The recent Israeli decision to close all border crossings into Gaza halting the provision of fuel to the Strip will “exacerbate an already dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and risks escalating an already difficult situation on the ground,” EU Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner said Monday.
“I have made clear that I am against this collective punishment of the people of Gaza. I urge the Israeli authorities to restart fuel supplies and open the crossings for the passage of humanitarian and commercial supplies, ” the EU official added in a statement. Neither the blockade nor the recent military strikes are able to prevent the rocket attacks. Only a credible political agreement this year, as foreseen at Annapolis, can turn Palestinians away from violence. That is why we must support Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas in their current efforts, she noted.
Ferrero-Waldner called for an immediate ceasefire and also condemned firing of rockets into Israel.