China expects Iran nuclear issue to be settled through diplomatic efforts

BEIJING, Jan 22 (APP- China says it still expects the Iran nuclear issue to be settled through diplomatic efforts as foreign ministers from six nations prepare to discuss on the issue in Berlin on Tuesday. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will join his counterparts from Russia, the United States, France, Britain and Germany for talks over the Iranian nuclear program starting on Tuesday.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters at a regular briefing Tuesday, “China views the conference as a diplomatic effort on the Iran nuke issue and hopes it will be a serious and objective assessment of the current situation.”

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“China expects the meeting to produce diplomatic accomplishments that will be conducive to a proper settlement of the Iran nuclear issue,” she said, adding that China will endorse proposals and suggestions that will help realize the goal.

Jiang reiterated China’s stance to support the international nuclear non-proliferation system, and peace and stability in the Middle East region.

“The Iran nuclear issue has come to a crucial point which necessitates common efforts from the international community including Iran to work for a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution to the issue,” she said. Responding to questions concerning a new round of sanctions on Iran, Jiang said China hopes any U.N. resolutions on the Iran nuclear issue shall be conducive to the said goals.