Abbas criticizes Israel for disclaiming security responsibility over Gaza


Ramallah : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has indicated to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that he is opposed to Israel disclaiming security responsibility for the Gaza Strip.

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Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Abbas had told Olmert during a two-hour meeting between both leaders at Olmert’s residence in Jerusalem Sunday that the Israeli occupation of Gaza still existed and that the occupiers were responsible for the Strip.

Speaking to reporters at the Palestinian presidential headquarters in Ramallah, Erekat said that the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem were a congruous geographical unit where the occupation should end completely.

He rejected any bid by Israel or anybody else to circumvent such strategic issues as a “very serious matter”, vowing that the Palestinians would never condone the West Bank being isolated from Gaza.

He also condemned as “unacceptable” Israeli attempts to find pretexts to disclaim legal responsibility for Gaza, or to embarrass Egypt by demanding it to ensure security there.

Erekat also quoted the Palestinian leader as having requested Olmert not to use such humanitarian needs as fuel, food and medicine to exert pressure on the 1.5 million Gazans.

Abbas also told Olmert that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) was willing to take over responsibility for the Rafah crossing just as was the case before Hamas controlled Gaza, Erekat said.

He added that Abbas would travel to Cairo later this week to meet Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to mull over all details pertaining to the crossing.