Cabinet approves pre-matric scholarship for minorities


New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of pre-matric scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities through the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. The funds to the tune of Rs.1868.50 crore during the XI Five Year Plan (2007-2012) have been approved for the Scheme. Out of this, an amount of Rs.1408.40 crore will be borne by Centre whereas Rs.460.10 crore will be shared by the States. Union Territories would be provided 100 per cent Central assistance.

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The scheme will be launched during the financial year 2007-08, targeting 25 lakh scholarships for the XIth Five Year Plan (2007-2012). The scholarships will be awarded to students from the minority communities for studies in India in Government or private schools from class I to class X, including residential Government institutes, and eligible private institutes selected and notified in a transparent manner by the State Governments/UTs concerned. 30% of the scholarships will be earmarked for girl students of each minority community in a State/Union Territory and will be transferable to boy students only if eligible girl students are not available.

The maximum ceiling of tuition fee entitlement would be Rs.350 per month, subject to actuals. The rates of maintenance allowance would be Rs.600 per month for hostellers from class VI onwards, subject to actuals and Rs.100 per month for day-scholars from class I onwards. Admission fee from class VI onwards would be Rs.500 per annum subject to actuals.

25 lakh scholarships will be given to the meritorious students belonging to the notified minority communities during XI Five Year Plan period for their empowerment through education which is expected to lead to mainstreaming of the minority communities.