Tehran : Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini has said that the essence of Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities are completely different from those of other countries.
He made the remarks Tuesday in response to a question on the US move to compare Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme with that of North Korea.
Hosseini said that comparing Iran’s nuclear activities with that of other countries is “wrong”.
Such comparison-making is in line with hostile disinformation made by the Western media, he added.
“All Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities are under direct supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency and are fully based on Non-Proliferation Treaty rules and regulations,” he said.
Hosseini made it clear that all the agency’s reports have verified non-diversion of Iran’s nuclear programme.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategy has always been based on Islamic values and principles as well as international regulations.
“The country has never sought non-peaceful objectives,” Hosseini noted.
He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is only pursuing its legitimate and legal rights in line with NPT and the IAEA Safeguards.